The Marijuana-Syndromes
This is an index of articles on marijuana syndromes. It includes an introduction, definitions of the marijuana syndromes, tips on diagnosing marijuana syndromes, and descriptions of each of them...
An Introduction to the Marijuana Syndromes
The marijuana syndromes are the secret techniques that I’ve developed over more than two decades of working with a very diverse population at all levels of involvement with marijuana...
What Are the Marijuana Syndromes?
Physicians and health care workers think and diagnose in patterns. The marijuana syndromes are patterns. They describe the many ways that unbalanced marijuana use and/or abuse can affect people...
Diagnosing the Marijuana Syndromes
Each marijuana syndrome group defines a particular zone of qualities. Each symptom/sign complex within that group is a thin cross section of that zone, much like an MRI image...
The Marijuana Syndromes:
The Metal Group
The Physical Effects of Marijuana on the Lung System
Unbalanced marijuana can harm the lung system by drying up the fluid metabolism from the level of the lungs. This can lead to cottonmouth, respiratory issues and confusion of the wei qi...
The Non-Physical Effects of Marijuana on the Lung System
The first stage of marijuana’s influence on the lung system can show a person the most beautiful vision of the world...
The Earth Group
The Physical Effects of Marijuana on the Digestive System
A large part of marijuana’s direct influence impacts the stomach and pancreas. This is what gives people the munchies and is a strong part of their rush experience...
The Non-Physical Effects of Marijuana on the Digestive System
The vision marijuana gives people in this stage is that they are at the center of their universe. The clarity of their dreams, visions and goals will attain superb and delicious definition...
The Poison Group
The Physical Effects of Marijuana Poison
If a person keeps taking marijuana without balancing it, or is highly compromised to begin with and is also taking marijuana, sooner or later s/he will lose the ability to cope with its poison...
The Non-Physical Effects of Marijuana Poison
Nearly everything seems toxic and unhealthy to people who enter this level of unbalanced marijuana use. This is because in the absence of complimentary substances to balance it...
The Fire Group
The Physical Effects of Marijuana on the Heart and Blood Systems
If a person allows the progression of the marijuana to go unchecked and does nothing to balance it, the marijuana can begin to disable his/her ongoing foundation for building blood by using energy...
The Non-Physical Effects of Marijuana on the Heart and Blood Systems
The creative visions that marijuana can give people when they first take it happen because the fire of the marijuana joins together with the fire of their hearts...
The Wood Group
The Physical Effects of Marijuana on the Liver System
One of the first ways you can tell if unbalanced marijuana is affecting a person’s liver system is if s/he starts feeling dizzy and having trouble walking when s/he is high...
The Non-Physical Effects of Marijuana on the Liver System
When unbalanced marijuana first begins to influence the liver system it can be a time of renaissance and rebirth in a person’s life...
The Water Group
The Physical Effects of Marijuana on the Kidney and Jing Sexual Essence Systems
Marijuana’s benefit curve, whether somebody takes it by prescription or not, at first seems to give more than it takes. Over time this curve reverses, and it may begin to take more than it gives...
The Non-Physical Effects of Marijuana on the Kidney and Jing Sexual Essence Systems
As marijuana begins to affect a person’s kidney qi, yang and yin, s/he can go through several spirals of rising and falling ideals that grow in intensity and consequences...