What Are The Negative Effects of Marijuana?

Marijuana’s Adaptogenic First Strike

Marijuana often becomes an anti-adaptogen as soon as it’s abused.

The weak link in the chain is where marijuana strikes first if and when it’s abused.

The more compromised a person is on any level, the more the marijuana's probably going to get them right in that area of compromise.

The Bad News and The Good News

This is bad news for the person who abuses marijuana, but good news for the clinician who knows how to treat it.

This is because the patient’s symptoms and signs tell you exactly where to go and what to do in your treatment.

Keeping the Effects of Marijuana Positive

If people want to keep their relationship with marijuana positive, they need to do everything they can to balance how they use it.

Marijuana’s Most Tragic Effects?

Marijuana often masks its side effects to the people who use it.

People who use and abuse marijuana frequently don't understand what's happening to them.

Marijuana often inflates people's sense of ego to create self-righteous behaviors and attitudes.

This is only a brief synopsis of my clinical findings. For extensive details on how to balance and optimize the effects of cannabis using Traditional Chinese Medicine, please refer to

Marijuana Syndromes
How to Balance and Optimize
the Effects of Cannabis
With Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Marijuana Effects Index


More Resources

“A certain amount of false confidence also occurs. Comments by my informants on this indicate that at high levels, what seem to be brilliant chains of thought and insights frequently occur, but are often seen to be false in retrospect.”

Heavy use of marijuana is associated with persistent decrements in neurocognitive performance...

Persistent cannabis use is associated with neuropsychological decline broadly across multiple domains of functioning...

Did you know that scientists get test subjects stoned to induce psychosis in order to test anti-psychotic drugs on them?

“Our research shows an interesting relationship between the Government’s decision to reclassify cannabis and the rate of hospital admissions for cannabis psychosis...”

“The safety of workers and the public must be central to all workplace policies and employers must clearly articulate that legalization of marijuana for recreational or medical use does not negate workplace policies for safe job performance...”

Synthetic cannabinoids cause chromosome damage, which can lead to cancer and many other downstream effects.

New research is discovering how and to target CB2 receptors and not cb1 receptors in order to produce pain relief and anti-inflammatory responses without the cannabis high...

This is only a brief synopsis of my clinical findings. For extensive details on how to balance and optimize the effects of cannabis using Traditional Chinese Medicine, please refer to

Marijuana Syndromes
How to Balance and Optimize
the Effects of Cannabis
With Traditional Chinese Medicine